The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America is one of the oldest and largest fraternal organizations in the country. Since its inception in 1868, the Order of Elks has grown to include more than 1 million men and women in more than 2,100 communities.
The BPO Elks is committed to the ideals of charity and patriotism. To that end, Elks have now disbursed, over the course of the Order's history, more than $3.6 billion in cash, goods, and services to the nation's youth, its veterans, the disadvantaged and handicapped, and to individuals and groups in support of patriotic and civic programs. Annually the BPO Elks give more than $200 Million in this fashion, and the Order ranks as one of the largest private providers of college scholarships in the nation.
The New Jersey State Elks Association with its 115 Elks lodges support our local communities. Through our programs we help children learn about sports and leadership, like our Soccer Shoot and Hoop
The Veterans committee, since the early days of Elkdom, has always been there for our Veterans. This committee has holiday parties, picnics, bingos, ball game trips, and dinners to name a few. Remember our motto; as long as there are veterans we will never forget them.
We also support our Troops and Veterans with our Army of Hope committees assisting families who have had immediate family members called to active duty with the military reserve or National Guard. Our Army of Hope committee of volunteers will be at the ready to help families of those patriots called to serve our nation.